Art in Fishtown!

Project Title: Out of This World Collage!

Grade Level: Preschool

Vocabulary: Stars, eclipse, moon.

Materials: glue, paper, markers

Demo Directions:

  1. Talk about the lunar eclipse and what they know about space, planets and stars.
  2. Give each child the pieces of paper they need and glue stick. Allow them to apply paper.
  3. Talk more about space as they are gluing the collage together.

Instructor Reflection:

The kids at Fishtown had a day filled with talk about a space after the lunar eclipse that just happen recently. Our first project consisted of making a colorful rocket ships out of the children’s names in the middle of take off. Along with gluing pieces of paper down to make their rocket ships, it was also fun time for the kids to show us how they could spell their name as some were so eager to label their own rocket ship that they had made!

To keep the space theme going the next project was an astronaut floating above the earth surrounded by stars. The kids definitely had a good time placing their stars around their astronaut, and had fun with the extra stars holding them on their heads claiming they were from space. After they had settled down and landed back on earth, Miss Cara sat them around on the carpet and had short discussion about their knowledge of space. Almost every kid had something to share their knowledge about the planets and the stars; it was hard to keep up with their facts! However, it was exciting to know they were all so happy sharing what they knew and listening to Miss Cara share what she knew!