Architecture Terms – B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Photo by Francesca Tosolini, via Unsplash BalconyA small porch that sticks out from a building above the ground level. Photo by Kirsten Drew, via Unsplash Bay WindowA window projecting out from the building. If the window is only on an upper floor, it is called an Oriel Window. Photo by Yuvraj Singh, via Unsplash BeamA piece of structure that runs from one end to another horizontally to help support two ends. Photo by Cathal Mac an Bheatha, via Unsplash Beehive OvenA beehive shaped oven made out of a rounded brick ceiling. Photo by Motoki Tonn, via Unsplash BracketWood or stone that’s used to hold up a balcony, lintel, still, cornice, or any other part of the building. Photo by Leo Reynolds, via Flickr Bull’s Eye WindowA window that is small and circular or oval shaped that radiates outward from an empty hub. It may typically resemble a wheel with glazing bars. Photo by Parrish Freeman, via Unsplash ButtressThe projecting mass/masonry used to resist the outward thrust of an arch. It is typically used to either strengthen and support a wall or as an ornament.