The Pitcairn Islands consist of four islands, Ducie, Henderson, Oeno, and Pitcairn.
The Pitcairn waters are in a near-pristine condition. These waters are home to the world’s deepest living plant known to man – a species of encrusting coralline algae.
Pitcairn Islands is in Oceania, with a population of 67 people. Its capital is Adamstown, and the currency is New Zealand Dollars (NZD). The official languages spoken are Pitkern and English.
They celebrate many holidays including:
- New Year’s Day (Jan 1)
- Bounty Day (Jan 23)
- Good Friday (Date Varies)
- Easter Monday (Date Varies)
- Queen’s Birthday (Jun 12)
- Pitcairn Day (Jul 2)
- Christmas Day (Dec 25)
- Boxing Day (Dec 26)
There are no national parks or world heritage sites.
Want to learn more? Check out Pitcairn Islands tourism website.
Also check out the Pitcairn Islands Museum for additional information.