Catherine Flowers

“People of good will are coming together for the purpose of trying to make sure that we protect what God is giving us and I think to me that’s indicative of making progress.”

Catherine Coleman Flowers is an American environmental health researcher, writer and the founder of the Center for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice. Flowers also is the founder of the Center of Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice (CREEJ) and was selected for the MacArthur Fellowship in 2020. Her goal is to find solutions to raw sewage that exist in rural communities throughout the United States. She also has a book, Waste: One Woman’s Fight Against America’s Dirty Secret, which outlines all of her achievements in her career. 

I Am Handout


To download the Handout:

  1. Click on the image
  2. Right-click and select Save Image As…
  3. Print
  4. Write a description on the line and decorate.
  5. Cut out and use for a selfie to share on our social media page. 
  6. Download a card and envelope template and write about an idea this leader inspires. 

This ASI Special event is an ongoing volunteer-led project made by people like you, using multiple educational sources regularly being revised and updated. We would love your assistance if you or your group would like to get involved, learn more here.