“Painting is about the world that we live in. Black men live in the world. My choice is to include them.”
- Name: Kehinde Wiley
- Born: February 28, 1977
- From: Los Angeles, California
- Education:
- Occupation: Painter, Sculptor
- Known For: Racial and Gender Awareness through Art
- Awards: Artist of the Year Award- New York City Art Teachers Association/United Federation of Teachers, Medal of Art – U.S. Department of State

Kehinde Wiley is an American painter best known for portraits of African American men in heroic poses. Born in Los Angeles, he earned his BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute and his MFA from Yale University School of Art. His artwork is influenced by a wide range of artistic movements, including the Venetian painters Titian and Giambattista, French Rococo painting, Islamic architecture, African textile design, contemporary fashion, and urban hip hop. Kehinde Wiley brings the figure of the black man and woman front and center, forcing the viewer to address the historical erasure of black bodies in the art world.

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- Click on the image
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- Write a description on the line and decorate.
- Cut out and use for a selfie to share on our social media page.
- Download a card and envelope template and write about an idea this leader inspires.
- Check out more resources and ways to celebrate MLK can be found on these links as well as our official Day of Service opportunity to volunteer.
This ASI Special event is an ongoing volunteer-led project made by people like you, using multiple educational sources regularly being revised and updated. We would love your assistance if you or your group would like to get involved, learn more here.