“I have created nothing really beautiful, really lasting, but if I can inspire one of these youngsters to develop the talent I know they possess, then my monument will be their work.”
- Name: Augusta Savage
- Born: February 29, 1892
- Died: March 27, 1962 (Age 70)
- From: Green Cove Springs, Florida
- Occupation: Artist
- Works: Gamin, Portrait Head of John Henry
- Awards: Rosenwald fellowship – admission to Académie de la Grande Chaumiére, Carnegie Foundation grant – allowed her to travel to multiple European countries
- Fun Facts: She was turned down from an art program in France after finding out she was black, her original name was Augusta Christine Fells, and her father was against her creative intellect seeing it as a sinful practice.

In spite of having her creativity discouraged at a young age, she didn’t stop pursuing her true passion. She experienced hardships because of the color of her skin, but that didn’t stop her from expressing herself through art and setting an example during the Harlem Renaissance. She made a name for herself even with having missed opportunities because of her race, she still pushed forward and succeeded.

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- Download a card and envelope template and write about an idea this leader inspires.
- Check out more resources and ways to celebrate MLK can be found on these links as well as our official Day of Service opportunity to volunteer.
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