Use Your Words to Change the Situation!

While listening to a crowd complaining about the city, schools, youth and flash mobs, environment and the state of the world, it was tempting to start in, too. After a lapse, it occurred to me that 1) I value personal engagement and impact more than talk, 2) how easy it is to get tempted in the wrong direction and 3) how grateful I am to have focus on something (through volunteering with Art Sphere) that bares lots of fruit for my labors. It also helped that recently I came across this quote: “Don’t use your words to talk about your situation; use your words to change your situation.” Joel Olsteen

There’s enough frustration out there as it is, without getting absorbed reinforcing and adding to what we all want to leave behind. Sharing excitement and movement towards our goals is seeing and living the big picture and where we really want to spend our precious energy. Check out which has the most comprehensive look at volunteering and civic life in the 50 states and 51 cities across the country. Data includes volunteer rates and rankings, civic engagement trends, and analysis.

Sign up to volunteer for a cause you believe in at

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