Tag: lesson plans
Setting Daily Goals Handout
Setting Daily Goals Draw and design your own T-shirt My first goal of the day is ____________________________________________? (Example: Make my bed.) Once that goal is accomplished, I will make a plan for the whole day. Plan 1: Plan 2: Plan 3: Plan 4: What did you successfully accomplish? What can …
Self-Assess Your Project
Your Destination: When making a self-assessment of your work, you want to be open minded. You do not want to cut corners and push anything off just because you did it yourself. You should always strive for the best in your work. In this lesson, you will learn how to …
Why the Sky is Far Away
Lesson: Money Responsibility: Successful management includes keeping a record of spending, knowing how much money is available, and how much money you need to save for future needs. Spending more than you have can be wasteful and also leads to debt. Staying out of debt is easier if you have …
The Two Strangers
Lesson: Comparison: Recognizing the need to conduct research before making a purchase decision is an important skill. To make a good decision, you must consider all aspects of a situation or a possible purchase. Your Destination: Using the art of comparison, you should decide who should have the money in …
The Money in the Pot of Butter
Lesson: Spending, Saving, and Giving: Money can be used in three ways: to spend, to save, and to give. When we spend, it can be spent on things that we need or for things that we want but don’t need. A budget is a plan you can use to spend …
“Cook, Eat and Carry Me’’
The Kikuyu tale: Cook, Eat and Carry Me Lesson: Investing: is giving something (usually money) towards something else in order to get more back. The first sister in the story was respectful and invested her choice wisely by choosing the smaller pot and gaining everything it offered. Investing wisely is …