Guide to teaching kids about entrepreneurship
Use this guide to help teach kids about entrepreneurship. Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full list of handouts
Use this guide to help teach kids about entrepreneurship. Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full list of handouts
Betty Osceola is a Miccosukee (located in Florida) tribal elder, indigenous advocate, educator, and conservationist who actively fights for clean water, anti-fracking, sacred spaces, and Indigenous women’s rights. Osceola is an active defender of clean water and anti-pollution in the Florida Everglades. Download the handout below to color the portrait …
Print out the handout below and follow the instructions to create your own native flute! Warbling is a musical effect that can be seen in Indigenous flute music, as well as other wind instruments like the harmonica. Warbling can also be heard in animals like birds, in string instruments like …
Shoji screens are a type of Japanese room divider traditionally with a wooden frame and translucent paper screens to create privacy while still allowing light through. Shoji screens were invented in China in as early as 300 B.C., but were much bulkier and difficult to use. Since then, they have …
Cells, Cells, Cells! Look at the person next to you, do you guys have anything in common? What about the person in front of you? Behind you? What about your teacher? If you said yes, you are correct. No matter what your answer was. You and everyone else around you …
Preparing for an interview might seem intimidating, but there are several steps you can take to prepare yourself for a successful interview. Below are some steps you can take to prepare for your next interview. Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full list of handouts
References are an important component of any successful job or placement search. You can have an impressive resume, interesting cover letter, and exemplary portfolio, but for employers there’s nothing like having another person tell them how awesome you are. You should dedicate some time to choosing who you use as references. …
Celebrate National Bacon Day on December 30th by learning about what it means to be Halal. The god that Muslims worship is called Allah and the name of their religion is Islam. “Halal” is a term used to describe a set of dietary rules that someone who is Muslim must …