Free Halloween Card and Envelope for Kids!

ASI Free Downloadable PDF Halloween Card and Envelope for Kids! On Monday, we celebrated Halloween at Shissler Recreation Center. The preschool students have a parade around the playground every year, and show up to the preschool in their costumes! They were very excited for the holiday with a pizza party …

Halloween Mask: 萬聖節面具

Theme: 教學大綱: 此專案為一相當好的計劃給即將來臨的萬聖節。 Authors: 作者: Kashief Butler, Gabriella Latona, Felicia Weaver Age Group: 適合這堂課的學生程度: 學前至小學。 Vocabulary: 辭彙:色澤,形狀,文藝作品之結構。 Materials Needed: 主要材料:紙盤,形狀,蠟筆,色筆,有色彩紙張,剪刀,膠水。 Anticipatory Set: 其他延伸(問學生): 知道一些代表萬聖節的人物,如女巫和幽靈,可引述一些眾知的萬聖節故事。 Breakdown: 教學指引/教學步驟: 1. 先切割一些眼睛、鼻和嘴巴的孔。(10分鐘) 2. 把各式各樣的身體部份如頭髮、牙齒和耳朵切割並黏貼至面具上。(10~15分鐘) 3. 塗彩及裝飾面具。(10~15分鐘) 4. 展示已完成的面具。(10~15分鐘) Applications: 討論: (生活的運用) 老師與學生之對話。有其他重要的節日嗎?在其他國家中,你能想出一個重要的節日嗎? Instructional Reflection and Reminders: 教師愛的叮嚀: 這將有助於孩子們,如果他們能夠製作多種不同面具,這樣就可以有一個萬聖節的表演。

Halloween Masks

Description: Made from paper plates, this project is a great back up project for kids around Halloween. Teaching kids to respect differences by using different personas. You can also have the kids create a group Halloween play on acceptance. Project Ideas: respecting differences, acceptance, recycling, body kinesthetic, theater Author: Kashief Butler, …