Spring Bunnies & The Rabbit on the Moon

Spring has sprung! On March 19, I brought a rabbit project to talk about the end of their hibernation and what the beginning of spring means, but the students immediately associated rabbits with Easter. That’s ok though! Easter is coming up soon. 

It was the night before a full moon, and I wanted to talk about that as well. Kristin had told me about the Chinese lore of the rabbit on the moon, and I printed out some resources to talk about that as well. March’s full moon has been dubbed the “worm moon” because the change in season draws all the worms out of the ground. I thought this was a delightfully weird fact, but I don’t think the kids got the same kick out of it. We had a good talk about spring, and what our favorite Easter candy is. Just like with last week’s leprechaun project, the kids liked the opportunity to be creative and design their rabbit in their own style.