Title/Description: Spring Botanical Drawing and Painting
Level: Elementary School
Duration: Two 45-minute class periods
Historical Overview: Albrecht Durer and Henri Matisse
Goals and Objectives: To introduce drawing and painting techniques
Vocabulary: Line quality, shading, form, caste shadow
Materials: Colored pencils, charcoal pencils, soft #4B pencil, flowers (real or plastic), construction paper, paints, brushes, sponges
Day 1
- Anticipatory Set: Show posters and books of images of different prints by Durer and photos from flower shows.
- Set up still life of flowers.
- Have students identify and brainstorm types of flowers.
- Demonstrate how to draw each.
- Have students follow along using pencil.
- Have students break into groups to draw from flowers.
- Have students experiment with line quality, form, and caste shadow.
Day 2
- Anticipatory Set: Show posters and books of images of different prints and paintings by Matisse.
- Students make vase: painting patterns on construction paper, folding and cutting both sides at once (not cutting on fold).
- Students use sponges and brushes to paint flowers, making repetitive movements onto white paper, adding green lines for stems.
- Students glue vase onto paper.