Title/Description: A Mural for Martin Luther King Jr.
Level: Middle/High School
Duration: Two 45-minute class periods
Historical Overview: Martin Luther King Jr. and racial prejudice
Vocabulary: Mural, boycott, character, prejudice, mosaic
Materials: Butcher paper, pencils, markers/crayons/colored pencils, scissors, white computer paper
Day 1
- Anticipatory Set: Ask preparatory questions about Martin Luther King. Read A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr. by David A. Adler. Discuss what they learned about him.
- Review vocabulary.
- Show examples of murals.
- Students brainstorm ideas for the mural and create sketches.
- Students share their sketches.
Day 2
- Demonstrate how to enlarge and simplify parts of their sketches.
- Students work together on a large sheet of butcher paper to create the mural with pencils.
- Use computer paper to create stencils of shapes if desired.
- Go over final lines with markers/crayons/colored pencils and color in shapes
- Students evaluate their work.