Before I talk about this week’s lesson at Towey, I just wanted to mention that Jess, who specializes in Art Therapy, has worked alongside Kristen & me. We started off class with some basic meditation and deep breathing exercises to calm our minds and relax our bodies. Next, we gave each student a mandala to color while talking about symmetry. We also gave a brief history lesson on Mandalas and how popular they are Indian culture.
As the students were coloring, we asked them to name their favorite animal so Ms. Kristen could draw it for them to take home. What I find interesting is that a white tiger and a horse/unicorn were the most popular animals amongst the class. I really like how Jess took the time to talk to each student one on one during the lesson because I noticed that it helped them be more engaged with the lesson. Overall, I think the exercises really helped because everyone was calm, well behaved, and focused.