At Glavin Rec Center we made our own night skies and learned how to draw stars. I passed out black paper and a white chalk pastel to each of the preschoolers. Before letting them delve into their imagination, I taught them step by step how to make a star. Some of the kids already knew how to make a star or had their own version of a star. After each kid practiced making at least one star on their paper, I put out more colored chalk pastels on the table. I prompted them to think about what the sky looks like at night. We talked about different planets and objects in space, and of all the colors that could exist. After they had an idea of what outer space could look like they made their own galaxy. Some kids created original planets and shooting stars, while others made a galaxy like our own including the earth. Even though this project was a little messy with the chalk pastels the preschoolers really enjoyed the effect of smearing the chalk after they were done drawing.