Expressionist Painting – Acrylic Paints
Level: Middle School
Duration: Two 45-minute class periods
Historical Overview: German Expressionism and Emil Nolde (1867-1956)
Goals and Objectives: To introduce expressive uses of paint media
Vocabulary: German Expressionism, acrylics, impasto
Materials: Acrylic paints, brushes, plastic containers
Day 1
- Anticipatory Set: Show posters and books of images of different Emil Nolde works.
- Slide lecture on history of Expressionism.
- Class discussion artist Emil Nolde.
- Review color wheel.
- Review vocabulary.
- Demonstrate basic impasto painting techniques.
- Students create preliminary drawing with charcoals.
Day 2
- Teacher demonstrates how to set up similar palette to Emil Nolde and color mixing.
- Students set up palettes.
- Students transfer sketch onto canvas that expresses a mood.
- Students paint.
Day 3
- Students develop criteria.
- Students pick best painting.
- Students critique paintings.