Project Title: Cat Picture
Description: A picture with a cat, moon, and pumpkin
Author: Liza
Grade Level or Target Age Range: Preschool to early elementary
Historical Art Examples or References: N/A
Vocabulary: Moon, triangle, W, circle, half-circle, whiskers
Materials: scissors, glue, construction paper, pastels
Anticipatory set: What holiday is coming up?
- Cut all the pieces out. A symmetric cat (fold paper in half and cut), cut out pumpkin, cut out pumpkin stem, cut out moon.
- Give all parts plus a piece of purple or blue construction paper
- Demonstrate on cat where to draw two circles as eyes
- Demonstrate where to draw a triangle as the nose
- Demonstrate where to draw a “W” as a mouth
- Demonstrate where to draw a leash
- Demonstrate where to draw a half-circle as the tag on the leash
- Instruct them to continue coloring cat as they wish
- Glue cat towards the bottom of the page
- Glue pumpkin next to it
- Glue moon on the top of the page
Who remembers what symmetry means? This cat is symmetrical. We also discussed the cat being like a silhouette.
Instructional Reflection:
It is great having an extra cat to demonstrate for the students where to place the shapes. I think it was a big help.