“Creating Legacies Through Art” is a short book that is jam packed with useful information to all kinds of people. Whether you are a student, teacher, or just someone looking to learn a bit about art this book is worth a read. It is an easy to read book, that helps all kinds of people learn despite everyone’s differences in abilities. Each page has road signs that show the different learning styles. So, what is so useful about this book?
This book is a powerful tool that not only teaches art but teaches people to see the world around them in a broader spectrum. Art is not simply just painting a landscape on canvas. Art is constantly around us, has no rules, is in everything we see, and can be created by anything and anyone. This book aims to make this experience a bit easier. This book will help introduce people to not just art but also nature, technology, music, science, and culture.
Especially to young children this is a great way to help expose them to these topics. I say this from experience. I remember as a young child being in school and doing these short and easy crafts in class and not even realizing I was learning about how the world works. It was a hidden gem. Not only was it fun and memorable, but I learned so much from it.
Let’s look at a lesson and pick it apart. “Create Your Own Butterflies” on page 2 has 5 symbols at the top. A tree, heart, runner, music note, and a peace sign. What does this tell us about the plan? This tells us that this plan will teach readers about recycling and nature, health, theatre, music, and multicultural skills. In addition, kids will also be exposed to new vocabulary, those related to science and life cycles. The whole plan only requires watercolor, coffee filters, and pipe cleaners to complete. Just these simple ingredients will give readers a basic understanding of butterfly life.