Category: Curriculum
St. Patrick’s Day Envelope Handout
Click here to download the PDF Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full list of handouts
World Hindu Day Envelope Handout
Celebrate World Hindu Day by making your own envelope! Cut along the solid lines and fold along the dotted lines. Use a glue stick to glue your envelope together with the flaps and you’re done! Click here to download the PDF Click here for a full list of handouts
Mother’s Day Envelope Handout
Use one of these handouts below and make an envelope for Mother’s Day!Color in your envelope then carefully cut along the outer solid lines. Use a glue stick to glue the flaps and fold over on the dotted lines to finish your envelope. Click here to download the PDF Click …
Earth Day Envelope Handout
Happy Earth Day! Write out a letter to the Earth about how thankful you are for being able to live on such a beautiful planet! Then, color in this envelope and cut out it out on the solid lines and fold on the dotted lines. Use a glue stick to …
Pipe Cleaner Friendship Bracelets Lesson Plan
Lesson Use emojis to represent how students feel and as an icebreaker activity. Recommended Ages Elementary schoolers Materials Handout (linked below) Scissors Self-Stick Foam Pen or Pencil Construction Paper Glue Pipe Cleaners Directions 1. Have students cut over sized foam emojis referring to the handout. 2. After they made their …
Color Wheel & Chinese Dragon Mask
Bigs – Glavin Rec Center Next, I moved into a different room to see the bigger kids (ages 7-12). I had to find out if their brains could be turned off of summer mode and back to “school-mode” for at least a few minutes! My older students were asked the …
Make Believe Art: Smart Phone
Young students in our summer program at Dendy have been excited to use my Iphone to research topics, so I decided to have each student make their own Iphone out of paper. Students watch their parents and other adults absorbed on their machines and indirectly this has given students an …