Learning Colors Lesson Plan – Creating a Flower Chart

Image from ASI Lesson Book-4, (Expanding the Creative Mind through Mixed Media Book-4), by Greta Heeb Your destination: (objectives) Create a chart with a color wheel in the shape of a flower that includes labeled primary and secondary colors and also ROYGBIV. Travel kit: (materials) Something to color with,paper, pen/marker …

Jerry Wilkerson’s “Banana’s”

Image from ASI Lesson Book-4, (Expanding the Creative Mind through Mixed Media Book-4), by Greta Heeb Your destination (objectives): Recreate Jerry Wilkerson’s Bananas painting by having the kids practice pointillism. Tavel kit: (materials) Q-tips, paint (white, light blue, brown, green, yellow), blue paper/surface with blue background, pencil. On the path …