Learn How to Create a 3-D Sun

Project Title: 3-D Sun Description: Students create 3-Dimensional suns with handprint cutouts representing solar flares. Author: Candice Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to early elementary Historical Art Examples or References:Images of the sun and different solar anomalies Vocabulary: solar flares, solar system, gravity Materials: glue, colored construction paper, paper …

Learn How to Make a Paper Space Ship

Project Title: Paper Space Ships Description: Kids decorate their own spaceships that can be launched with a straw. A great way to introduce trust. Astronauts have to trust each other in order to persevere through space together. Project Ideas: technology, trust, team building, body kinesthetic Author: Candice Carroll Grade level or Target …

Community Service

Art Sphere Inc. helps individuals, businesses, and communities discover the potential that lies within by bringing corporations, school groups, religious groups, colleges, Boy and Girl Scout troops, government, low-income Philadelphia neighborhoods, and non-profit organizations together to benefit all participants in the service of youth. (Volunteers from Arcadia University getting ready …