Chinese Lantern Making
Recently at Tzu Chi, the students were led into a discussion on the significance of light and the uses of Chinese lanterns in celebrations around the world. The children were eager to talk about the uses of illumination in their own lives. It was interesting to watch the students play …
How to Make a Water Lily out of Construction paper
Fold paper into quarters and cut petals on outer edge farthest from folds. Add yellow lines in a circle in the center of the flower to represent pollen. Smaller square papers can be cut the same way and layered. Learn more about water lily here – Cut an oval out …
3 Dimensional Construction Paper Pop-up Houses
Students fold paper in half like a card and then make two cuts from center fold for house front wall and roof and then fold in. (opposite from outside card) Two more cuts are made using roofline as center point. The three dimensional elements of these projects make designing dream …
3 Dimensional Construction Pop Up Paper Flower Pots
Students fold orange and blue paper in half and cut two lines in center of blue paper so it will pop up. Students cut symmetrical clay pot, green leaves, stems and flowers which they color with markers and then glue together. Cutting slits around center of circle helps to form …
Art to explore the beauty and meaning of flowers
Students make tissue paper flowers to decorate our schools and recreation centers. Students learn to draw the flowers that represent each of their birth months and make arrangements that represent the months of each of their classmates. They learn about flowers as a means to convey secret messages in the …
Art Made to Promote Sleep!
ASI Soft Sculpture and Pillow Art Project Workshops are a means to educate the public that 90 percent of teens are sleep deprived and help students use art as as tool for activism. Sleep deprivation causes significant health costs in the areas of mental health, learning and behavior, substance use and abuse, …
ASI Students Creating Movies
Penn Treaty Decorating office with mural and room with Holiday Art Movie