Bubble Print Fish Bowls
Samuels Rec Center used recycled bubble wrap and tissue paper to create a fish bowl collage. They first painted bubble wrap with blue, turquoise and purple tempera paint. Then they flipped the bubble wrap over onto a paper plate, which would act as their fish bowl. They continued this until …
Yarn Weaving
Shissler Rec Center took a break from athletics and tried their hand at weaving. A few older students created weavings before, so they were great helpers to those who were new to the skill. Each student got a loom and some yarn. They learned the over under over under pattern …
Hockey Figurines
Students at Shissler Rec Center played “hockey” with these bendable figurines! Simply made out of foam shapes, pipe cleaners, and straws – creative art turns into creative play! The bendable figures also moved semi-realistically – bending along the knees, elbows, and bottom torso. They discussed hockey players and teams at …
Movin’ & Groovin’ @ Cione
In the morning, Kristin gave a lovely lesson about meditation & breath, so Merideth & Madeleine piggy backed off of that lesson and talked about movement with with afternoon class. Movement, mediation, breathing, vibrations — it’s all related! We practiced a movement game where everyone came up with their own …
Week 4 at Fishtown Rec Center, 1st/2nd graders wrote their own storybooks! It could be about anything they wanted. One girl chose to write about herself, a boy created a coloring book, another girl wrote a story about a castle in the woods with some mystery of imminent danger and …