Picasso’s Guitar

Week 2 Fishtown Recreation Center 1st/2nd graders learned about the great artist, Pablo Picasso! We started out by reading Picasso Loves Shapes by Judiee Lee. We discussed the elements of art such as line, shape, and color.  We focused on Picasso’s artworks which featured guitars. We saw an image of …

Picasso Bouquet of Peace

Week 2, Kindergarten students at Fishtown Rec Center learned about Pablo Picasso! Only ONE child in this group heard of Picasso, so they were excited to learn something new.  First, I read Picasso Loves Shapes by Judiee Lee. Then we discussed Picasso’s life and artwork. We focused on Picasso’s lithograph, …

Bones teach youth about wildlife and the heroes working to preserve our planet

This week at Nelson Playground our (48) students and Dendy Recreation Center (26) students got to touch real bones for the first time. It was super exciting and motivational! Students held found wolf, coyote, bear, deer, javelina (similar to wild boar), bison, beaver, porcupine, horse, owl, pelican and more donated …