Lesson Plan: Class Collage Color Wheel

Picture of classroom activity Your Destination: As a class, create a large-scale color wheel collage with pieces of construction paper.    Travel Kit: colored papers in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple scissors (optional) glue sticks large-scale (at least 24”x36”) drawing of blank color wheel on poster board, foam …

ASI African American Art Teacher Shares his Artist Statement and Artwork to Inspire Youth

Ryan Tillman: Artist Statement Allow me to take you on a mythological journey to an alternative universe where you will be immersed in with quirky characters in an endless battle between good and evil. Mythology has been a large part of my life growing up in the church. I would …

Mindfulness Practice With Mandalas

Photo by Pixabay Your Destination: Mandalas have been used for meditation in Eastern Cultures for centuries. Circular in shape and usually containing geometric patterns, they are ritualistic symbols of the universe in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Their often complex and intricate patterns also make them a great mindfulness tool. Travel …