Dream Home (Floor Plan)

This week’s lesson at Towey was all about teaching the class how to develop a floor plan for their dream house. We started off by a large square as a perimeter along with the front & back door, front & back yard, and the window on a sheet of graph paper in order to get a clear idea of the amount of space to build the other rooms. The reason why we used graph paper is because it’s easier to measure the rooms, furniture, stairs, doors, etc. After they finished making their basic structures, they really started getting imaginative by adding game rooms, indoor & outdoor pools, candy rooms, movie rooms, etc. I thought that this was an interesting project for the student because we were able to see how imaginative they really could be and the importance of making a plan to complete an objective rather it painting a room, tearing down a wall to expand the space, etc. It really does make things easier to have everything mapped out ahead of time so that there’s no confusion or backtracking. The students really seemed to enjoy creating their dream homes due to how engaging they all were the entire time.