Cells, Cells, Cells!
Look at the person next to you, do you guys have anything in common? What about the person in front of you? Behind you? What about your teacher? If you said yes, you are correct. No matter what your answer was. You and everyone else around you all share something in common: you are all made out of cells.
Cells are little tiny moving units that make up everyone. There are many kinds of cells that each have a special job, but today we are going to talk about two large categories of cells: Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. Prokaryotes are the smallest of the two and are one cell. Prokaryotes are the yucky bacteria that could make you sick. This tiny little cell has to work hard to carry out all the functions of life by itself.
Eukaryotes are more than one celled. They can be made out of two cells or up to millions of cells! Plants, animals, fungi, and even us are made up of eukaryotic cells. The really cool thing about eukaryotic cells is that they have a nucleus. A nucleus is the part of the cell that contains all of the information. The nucleus contains DNA which is the special code that makes you you. Some people may have similar DNA but no two people will have the same, which makes us all special in our own little way.

Strengthen your understanding of the two cell types by trying to draw the cells on your own. Print the handout, fold the paper on the dotted line and try to draw each cell as well as you remember it before looking at the pictures again.
Pronunciation Key and Vocabulary List
Eukaryotic– (yoo-kar-ee-ot-ik)- cells that are made out of two or more cells and have a nucleus
Prokaryotic– (proh-kar-oh-tic)- one singular cell
DNA-(Dee-N-A)- genetic material
Nucleus– (noo-klee-uhs)- central part of a cell