In route to teaching an art workshop in John Heinz Reserve in Tinicum, I stopped to take in the urban oasis on my hike! John Heinz is 10 minutes away from downtown Philadelphia…where great adventures are to be had! This reserve proves very special as fresh and salt tidal streams meet, wildlife thrives while planes take off overhead, and the Philadelphia skyline is clear as day.
Art Sphere, Inc hosts wildlife themed art workshops and nature hikes to city students here at John Heinz…with sets of eagles nesting and their chicks practicing flying this is where many city students ,volunteers and friends experience wildlife in collaboration with Art Sphere, Inc for the first time.
Contemplating how to best teach a lesson on origami birds and foxes, I was thrilled by my discovery in the photo above…three baby foxes at their den! As I so often tell my students, “you wouldn’t believe the coincidence that happened to me today!” To top it off, in that moment I also met an amazing photographer, Bob Weiss, who took that photo and emailed it to me so I could share it with my students! Less than 10 minutes away from the students’ urban homes, wildlife like this live and flourish! This reality helps make studying animals and environment a lot more relevant!
Click Here to view more images of John Heinz “critters” in a photo book by Bob Weiss!