Vatican City

Vatican City is a country that is located within Rome and is both by area and population the smallest state in the world. 

The city is famous for some of the world’s most popular paintings and sculptures that exist in cultural sites such as St. Peter’s Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and Vatican Museums. 

The Vatican City is found in Southern Europe, with a population of 825,000 people. Its capital is the Vatican City, and the currency is the Euro. The official language spoken is Italian.

The Vatican City has no world heritage sites.

It also has one national park: 

  1. Gardens of Vatican City


Want to learn more? Check out the Vatican City tourism website.

Also check out the Vatican Museums for additional information.

Fun activities to do

To download the flag and map:

  1. Click on the image
  2. Right-click and select Save Image As…

Also try making a postcard and it’s stamp! Try filling in your suitcase for the trip!