Supplies Needed:
- Orange construction paper
- Green pipe cleaner
- Glue stick
- White glue
- Scissors *Parental Guidance is needed*
Step 1
Make a pumpkin pattern by folding any sheet of paper in the middle and drawing an arc along the paper’s folded edge. You can make it as big or small as you want.

Step 2
While keeping the paper folded, cut out your pumpkin pattern.

Step 3
Trace around the pumpkin pattern on orange construction paper to make a pumpkin shape. Make at least ten pumpkin shapes.

Step 4
Cut out all of the pumpkin shapes.

Step 5
Fold each pumpkin shape in the middle.

Step 6
Without unfolding a pumpkin shape, apply glue on one of its outer faces.

Step 7
Glue a second folded pumpkin shape on top of the first one, keeping both pumpkin shapes aligned at the edges.

Step 8
Press on the pair of pumpkin shapes to glue them together. Right photo shows how the pair would look when opened up.

Step 9
Continue gluing the pumpkin shapes one on top of the other, making sure they are aligned along the edges.

Step 10
After you have positioned the last pumpkin shape in place, cut a length of green pipe cleaner to make the pumpkin’s stem. Use white glue to attach it along the straight edge of the pumpkin shapes.

Step 11
Apply glue on one of the outer faces of the pumpkin shape. Bring the two outermost faces together, sandwiching the pipe cleaner in the middle. Press firmly to glue them in place.

Step 12
Carefully open up each of the paper flaps to transform your project into a three-dimensional paper pumpkin. You will discover that once the glue sets, the flaps will be more rigid and your paper pumpkin a lot sturdier.

Step 13
Trim the pipe cleaner stem to the desired length. You can bend it into a hooked handle

Step 14
Make these paper pumpkins to decorate your home or classroom for Halloween or autumn. You can put them on tables, hang them or string smaller paper pumpkins together into a Halloween garland.