“If a man knows nothing but hard times, he will paint them, for he must be true to himself.“
- Name: Horace Pippin
- Born: February 22, 1888
- Died: July 6, 1946 (Age 58)
- From: West Chester, PA
- Occupation: Artist
- Works: “Mr. Prejudice” (1943), “Domino Players” (1943), “The End of the War: Starting Home”
- Fun Fact: In World War I, Pippin served in K Company, the 3rd Battalion of the 369th infantry regiment, known for their bravery in battle as the famous Harlem Hellfighters.

Horace Pippin was a self-taught American artist who painted a range of themes, including scenes inspired by his service in World War I, landscapes, portraits, and biblical subjects. Some of his best-known works address the U.S.’s history of slavery and racial segregation. He was the first Black artist to be the subject of a monograph, and the New York Times eulogized him as the “most important Negro painter” in American history.

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- Check out more resources and ways to celebrate MLK can be found on these links as well as our official Day of Service opportunity to volunteer.
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