Puppet (noun) – A puppet is a movable model of a person or animal that is used in entertainment and is operated by a puppeteer.
Puppetry (noun) – Puppetry is an ancient form of theatre that dates to the 5th century BCE in Ancient Greece.
Finger puppets (noun) – Finger puppets fit on the finger and are some of the easiest puppets to make and operate.
Hand puppet / glove puppet (noun) – A hand puppet (or a glove puppet) is controlled by hands inside the puppet.
Marionettes (noun) – Marionettes (or string puppets) are controlled by a number of strings attached to a control bar held from above by the puppeteer. This kind of puppetry is one of the most difficult to master.
Shadow puppets (noun) – Shadow puppets are cut-out figures held between a source of light and a translucent screen.