All businesses must have a name they should go by! For people to really capture your business, people need to know who you are as a business and understand your brand. The name should represent the company and remind people, consumers and employees, what your business stands for.
When creating a name, the name should have meaning. What does your company represent? Your name must be memorable. You can even make up the word. There are no limits to what you want to name your business and what you want it to stand for. If you are stumped for a name, there are multiple websites that are business name generators to help.

After deciding a name, its best to trademark it so that no one else will claim it as their own. It is also a good idea to set up your website with your business name as the domain so that there is no confusion when someone visit your website. Your website can easily be found since it is the same as your business name.
As you are getting closer to running your business as an entrepreneur, it is important to remember where you started out. Your name may represent the beginning of your journey and is a symbol of what you hope to achieve in growing your business.

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