Learn about various women artists throughout time and across the globe. Each woman illustrates a new artistic movement and/or technique, like cross-hatching, anthropomorphism, cubism, mimesis and much more!
Each lesson focuses on one woman and explores her life, her artistic style and medium, examples of her art, and an accompanying art project inspired by her artwork.
Ages: 7- 14
Instructor: Maritza L.

Learn About Women Artists and Their Beautiful Work!

The Stylist of Abstract Hair: Lorna Simpson

A Rainbow of Painted Mosaics: Alma Thomas

A Life of Self-Portraits: Frida Kahlo

The Princess of Polka Dots: Yayoi Kusama

The Lioness of Frolicking Felines: Laurel Burch

The Prints of Power: Elizabeth Catlett

Walt Disney's Favorite Artist: Mary Blair

The Tsarina of Suprematism: Lyubov Popova

The Silhouettist Without Subtlety: Kara Walker

The Artist of Anthropomorphism: Julie Buffalohead

The Forgotten French Sculptor: Camille Claudel

The Wax Dreamweaver: Minnie Evans

Nature's Painter of Photorealism: Esther Huser

The Brazen Brazilian Artist of the Arabesque: Beatriz Milhazes