
Erhu is an instrument that was invented in Tang Dynasty. It was also called “Xiqin”. Erhu has more than one thousand years of history, and it is a fabulous traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Famous Erhu songs include “二泉映月“, “良宵“, “听松“, “赛马“, “葡萄熟了” and so on. 

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Erhu began in the Tang Dynasty and has a history of more than a thousand years. It originated from a minority in the northern part of ancient China, called “Xi Qin” at that time. 

Rocked with Star!

Let’s enjoy the sound of this instrument through this wonderful performance by Yang Yue.

Learn more about Yang Yue

Yang Yue was born in an excellent music family, and was inspired by her parents since childhood. At the age of 5 and a half, she studied erhu with her mother Li Xin and piano with her father. Under the tutelage of Professor Yan Jieminwho is a famous erhu performer and master’s tutor, she was able promoted to the Central Conservatory of Music undergraduate with the first place in national instrumental music in 1995. The pianist was taught by Professor Qian Lezhi from the Central Conservatory of Music, and he also minored in Guzheng with the national first-class actor Mr. Cao Yongan. He has excellent grades and has won many awards.