
Note: The best way to promote DEIAB standards is to use your voice: ASK individuals about preferred language and SPEAK OUT against the inequality you see!

  • Ally- an individual that stands against racism, ableism and other forms of discrimination and prejudice, and seeks to uplift the voices of those affected by said forms of discrimination
  • Ableism: a form of discrimination, prejudice, or act of exclusion against individuals with physical, mental, or developmental (dis)abilities that is characterized by the belief that these individuals need to be fixed or cannot function as full members of society
  • Anti-Ableism: the active effort, action, and practice to challenge or counteract ableism, inequalities, prejudices, and discrimination based on visible and invisible developmental, emotional, physical, or psychiatric (dis)ability
  • Anti-Racism: the active effort, action, and practice to challenge or counteract racism, inequalities, prejudices, and discrimination based on visible and invisible characteristics of an individual
  • BIPOC: a term referring to Black, Indigenous, and people of color, created to demonstrate solidarity in shared experiences
  • Discrimination: the unfair, unequal treatment of individuals based on race, gender, social class, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion and other categories
  • Implicit Bias: also referred to as implicit prejudice, is an unconscious negative attitude or response against a specific social group
  • Prejudice: preconceived opinion, judgement, or attitude, commonly negative, towards a specific social group that is not based on reason or actual experience
  • Racism: a form of discrimination, prejudice, or act of exclusion against individuals in a specific racial or ethnic group that is characterized by the belief that these individuals are seen as less-than
  • Youth Oppression: the subordination and/or mistreatment of young people based on age through the restriction and denial of opportunities to exercise social, economic, and political powers

For more terms, information, and in-depth definitions, visit Racial Equity Tools’ website.