Thanks to the generous support of the AERIE REAL FOUNDATION™ COMMUNITY GRANT, we are able to provide the “Creating Legacies through Art for Women” program, a service-learning and skill-building opportunity for high school girls, grades 9-12, who want to learn more about working in the arts.
We are inviting high school girls, grades 9-12 to intern with us as volunteers, where they will work alongside certified teachers and gain valuable skills from our thoughtful and meaningful training program. Participants must commit to meeting at one of our Learning Partners sites (a local recreation center) or virtual for 2 hours a week for a 10-week program.
Since the majority of our programs are after-school and summer art programs, we will use our Art Workshops as the basis for the curriculum, providing a real life work experience and a place to learn skills, gain confidence, and practice techniques that can be applied to other professions.
Interns will be assigned a mentor to help them gain valuable skills that will eventually lead the way to future employment, such as learning to work as a team, employ critical thinking, exhibit adaptability to unforeseen circumstances, demonstrate dependability and empathy in the classroom and show respect for our organization and our students.
To learn more about becoming a volunteer, mentor or an intern contact Sign up to volunteer here.

Founded in 1998, Art Sphere Inc. is a nonprofit organization with a mission to engage the creative in youth, empower neighborhoods to explore the positives in peoples’ lives, and heal the mind, body and spirit through the arts.
Free site-specific Art Workshops, community events and online resources help students gain confidence in their worth, explore new ideas and build positive self-images, while learning about art and artists.
ASI embraces the strengths of youth and their communities in Philadelphia’s inner city and builds safe and rich learning environments with an emphasis on the creative use of local resources.

Find out more about Art Sphere Inc.’s mission and the impact we’re making in communities. Thank you for your generosity. Every dollar helps us teach environmentalism to our students.