Tag: handout
Map Making Activity
Click here to download the PDF page 1 Click here to download the PDF page 2 Click here for a full list of handouts
National Wikipedia Day Handout
Celebrate National Wikipedia Day on January 15th with this handout! Color the boy below, and then write down a list of questions you have. Examples: Why is the sky blue? Who was the first president? How do chameleons change color? Then, ask a parent or guardian to help you look …
Blank Card Template Handout
Download these free handouts for a blank card for any occasion! Decorate and write a message to celebrate any holiday or occasion! Click here for the Cutout PDF Click here for the Card Instructions PDF Click here for a full list of handouts
Popsicle Puppets
Let’s make some new friends out of some reusable popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners! Materials: A pair of scissors, a popsicle stick (one for each puppet you would like to make), two pipe cleaners per puppet, and a cut out image. This image can be from be drawn or coloring book/magazine …
Creativity Handouts
Use this collection of 20 craft, coloring, and creativity handouts to learn and have fun while staying at home! From finger painting to pasta people, enjoy these twenty fun things to do! Pasta People Henri Matisse Recycled Fish Ying Yang Art Heart Color Study Monet Finger Painting Van Gogh Picasso …
Peter and the Wolf: Lesson and Activity
Join ASI Teacher Sophie and learn about the famous symphony Peter and the Wolf” by Sergei Prokofiev to learn about different sections and instruments within classical symphonic orchestras. How can we connect the sounds they make to the sounds of different animals? At the end of the lesson, we have …
Father’s Day Card and Coupons Handout
Make a father’s day card that looks like a shirt and tie, with coupons written on paper ties inside to show your dad how much you appreciate him on Father’s Day! This project is one of the virtual literacy through art classes hosted on Facebook Live from 1:30-2pm every Wednesday …