Re-Order Problem List

Study Materials
Photo by Andrew Neel, via Unsplash

Revise Problem list and reorder issues in a way you would like to address. Take a moment to look around, it can be as simple as looking up the issues of the world or talking to your friends and family about the issues around them. It can be an internal issue that has to be solved. Is there an issue with your friends and families that must be resolved? Is there an issue that wasn’t spoken about? Is it the groceries in the refrigerator running low? These are some examples of issues with that in mind. It should be put into three different categories which are most urgent, most meaningful, and easily solvable. Within the categories, there is going to be a list from one to the number of issues there is. It will help relieve some stress and tension between family and friends.  

For example: 

Most urgent        

Most meaningful 

Easily solvable 

Broken lights in the bathroom 

Conflict between friends 

Broken lights in the bathroom 

Conflict between friends 

Low grades 

Low on groceries 

Low on groceries 

Neighbor’s dog yelling 

Neighbor’s dog yelling

Neighbor’s dog yelling 

Low on groceries 

Conflict between friends 

Low grades 

Broken lights in the bathroom 

Low grades 

 There are 5 issues that are going on. These are rated in different categories to show the priority and values for each of them. The most urgent section is about solving an issue that affects the person’s life. The most meaningful section is about their moral, relationship building, and feeling. The easily solvable is for issues that can be easily solved. Some of the rankings are similar to each other. These rankings are here to help the user to choose which issues to solve. It will depend on the person to choose which problems that they want to address first since everyone has different values  

The solutions for these issues mentioned above is fixing the broken light in the bathroom which can be fixed quickly and won’t bother anyone for a while. The conflict between friends is harder to solve since it takes time to solve because people take time to reflect. Being low on groceries can be a big issue because it takes a while to fix it. Neighbor’s dog yelling can take a while as well since the owner will try to come to a conclusion of the issue that was brought up. Low grades take the longest time since it is a long progress. Although solutions are not the easiest to find, the internet is one of the biggest resources to use from.   

This is can be used when there are many issues within a short amount of time. Which make it more difficult for the person to focus on one issue. This will help the person to feel less stress because there is a way to show progress of issues being solved. This will give the user more confidence in their ability to address the issue at hand.