Project Title: Paper Plate Hats
Description: Themes may vary. Have the children design a fun and easy paper plate hat for almost any holiday and/or special occasion. Students may create a story to go along with their creations.
Author: Alysia
Grade level or Target Age Range: Elementary grades 1-5
Historical Art Examples or References: Teacher may use photos of different styles of celebratory hats. Examples: American birthday hats, English Christmas paper hats, Mexican sombrero, etc.
Vocabulary: Celebration, 1-dimensional, sketch, template, brainstorm
Materials: Paper plates, paper, scissors, crayons, markers, glitter, etc.
Anticipatory Set: Teacher may bring in different styles of hats to enhance this section. Allow the children to guess the names of the hats and where they come from. If no sample is available, teacher may ask: What are a few special types of hats? Where/when do people wear these types of hats?
1. Discuss different styles of hats. (5 minutes)
2. Have students brainstorm and draw a 1D version of their hats on paper. (5-10 minutes)
3. Show an example of Teacher’s final project. (1 minute)
4. Pass out materials and have students create their hats. (15-20 minutes)
Step 1: Fold paper plate in half.
Step 2: Use scissors to cut a design in center of the plate. Have students chose their own design. Examples: heart shape, bunny rabbit, four-leaf clover, star, etc.)
5. Share! Discuss creations and the stories behind their designs. (10 minutes)
1. During which celebration would you wear your hat?
2. Why is your hat special?
3. What is the story behind your hat? (If applicable)
Instructional Reflection: Which instructional tools or strategies interested or helped these students learn most? What additional techniques tools or materials could be used to better support student learning? What changes could be made to this lesson for students with different needs levels or skill sets?
1. Allowing the children to brainstorm their ideas will cut time and limit mistakes and requests for re-dos. Since the blankness of the paper plate might be overwhelming to some children, templates could also be useful during this time.
2. Smaller children will need assistance with cutting. You may also need to tailor vocabulary for the younger children.
3. If you have a mixed age group, this is a great opportunity to for peer assistance. Have older children assist their classmates during the process.
4. Music/Video may also be useful during this lesson. This lesson could accompany a lesson addressing cultural awareness.