Ojo de Dios (God’s Eye craft)

Gigantic, Elaborate God's Eyes by Jay Mohler | Make: by Make: | Electronics + Art + Design + Craft + DIY, via Pinterest


Ojo de Dios is Spanish for the eye of God. It is a weaving of yarn and wood and has been used as an ancient, contemplative practice that is a combination of Hispanic and Indigenous Peoples in the Americas cultures. The four ends of the sticks represent the four elements- fire, water, earth, and wind. The center represents the sun and the understanding of things we cannot always see. They are often made in celebration or blessing, given as a gift or designed to bless a home. They were hung of people so that as they prayed it served as a reminder that God was always watching over them.


  • Contemplation
  • 4 elements
  • pattern (name examples)
  • attentiveness
  • blessing (name examples or thoughts)


  • Popsicle sticks
  • assorted colored yarn
  • scissors
  • glue (preferably hot glue)


  • Glue 2 Popsicle sticks together to form an “x”
  • Attach one end of a yarn to the center of the popsicle sticks by tying it in a knot
  • Now start to wrap the yarn around one of the sticks, beginning close to the center of the God’s eye, then move over to the next stick, wrap around it, and return to the first stick.
  • Continue to wrap and wind, making sure you rotate the God’s Eye craft while working.
    • Note * it does not matter whether you wrap the yarn over or under the sticks as long as you do one method consistently.
  • Continue looping in this same manner, working all the way around the piece, until you run out of yarn. If creating a project with multiple colors of yarn, attach the next yarn piece to the 1st piece by tying them together in a knot on the back side of the piece.
  • When you are done wrapping, secure the end of the yarn by tying it in a knot on the back of the piece.

Lesson and Discussion

This activity requires a lot of concentration and hand control, and it’s easy for students to feel confused or frustrated. Remind them to slow down and concentrate on each of their movements. We want them to be able to clam their mind and focus on one activity at a time. Push the concept of practice, practice, practice. This should be a fun activity where students are able to use their creativity in the designs and colors of their weave.

  • Ask what the four ends of the sticks represent. Where else might we see the four elements? (history, books, art)
  • Was it hard to concentrate on this or was it relaxing?
  • On what occasions would you give this to someone or hang it up?