Movement & Nature Yoga Exercise

Movement & Nature Yoga Exercise

Here is a picture of a student from our Fishtown Library class rocking a flower pose!


A really cool movement activity centered around nature practicing yoga activities to get students to be calm and ready for class. 

We practice yoga poses that replicate things you might find in a garden such as a seed, a flower, a frog, a tree, or a butterfly. 

It also gives us the opportunity to talk about nature and what it means to us. 

Recommended Ages: Pre-school to first grade


Step 1 Allow the kids to sit in a circle and the instructor sit in the middle for the duration of the activity

Step 2 Start with one of the poses indicated in the pictures below and have the students imitate the same pose and hold it for about 15-30 seconds

Step 3 Repeat for every yoga pose and then start class!


The students were able to start class ready to learn. They were relaxed, but eager to learn what was in store for today’s lesson.

About the author: Jim Burkhardt is a musician and educator in the Philadelphia area specializing in percussion. This is his second semester teaching with ASI. Jim aims to instill the importance of music, and it’s connection to culture and everyday life in his students, as well as expose them to music from around the world.