Lesson #3: Cubism

Your Destination: ICubist artwork, objects are analyzed, broken up, and put back together in an abstracted (not normal)  form—instead of showing objects from one view, the artist presents the subject from a bunch of different viewpoints to show the subject as a whole. 

Using the handout, you at home can create a cubist piece just like Picasso!

Tool Kit: Paint Your Own Picasso Handout (linked later), crayons or markers, scissors, and glue. 

On the Path: 

Step 1:  Look online for different Cubist paintings and artists. (Several will be shown in the included video). Picasso is a great place to start 

Step 2: Think about how the artwork is made. How do these artists show their subjects from different angles at once? How do they combine the two angles onto one canvas? 

Step 3: using thePaint Your Own Picasso Handout (linked later), draw a friend or family member from two different angles. One from the front and one from the side. Then, use scissors to cut out parts of both drawings and glue them together on the third sheet. This creates the two perspective style that Picasso was famous for. 

Group Tour: Show off your artwork to your friends and family. What do they think of the strange new style? Can they see themselves in the image? 

Extend Your Journey: Try and create more Cubist drawings and art from different angles. Maybe one from directly above and one from below? Feel free to experiment and try many different things! 

Learn new vocabulary: analyze, perspective, abstracted, subject 

Access our instructional video: Art & Music History 

Evolution of Art & Music 1900 - 1950: Part 3: Cubism - YouTube

Find resources and visual aids:



Paint Your Own Picasso Handout (linked later)