Bonus – Enjoy Your Savings

The last step is to enjoy what you have worked for. Reward yourself after reaching goals. Typically, people travel and take vacations after retiring, but you don’t have to wait until then. Take the time to look at what you have accomplished. 

Your Destination: Take a vacation, now it’s time to enjoy your savings! 

Travel Kit: Use the Take a Vacation and Draw a Postcard handouts to help with this lesson.

Step 1: Where do you see yourself taking a vacation? Decide where you would like to go. Draw an image of what your favorite vacation place would look like. 

Step 2: Research costs for how you will get there: plane, bus, train, car (mileage to estimate gas cost), car rental fees and insurance. 

Step 3: Research costs for where you will stay at hotels, family or friends (you may want to take them out for dinner for hosting you). 

Step 4: Research restaurants and side trips. Add up the estimated figures. 

Step 5: Add money for any unplanned incidentals like souvenirs and gifts. Start saving this amount for this vacation.

Step 6: Draw a postcard and write a message from your chosen destination and hang it somewhere prominent to remind you why you are saving money. 

Extend Your Journey: You can sign up for rewards with credit cards, hotels, airlines and car rentals and use your points to help you save money. Expedia, Capital One, Priceline, Travelocity and many more websites offer deals. Investigate discounts and ways you might save money.

ASI is not endorsing or recomending any company. As with all financial matters, be sure to do your research before you select a company.

Learn New Vocabulary:

Travel Insurance

Resources and Visual Aids: