Project Title: Poinsettia Complementary Color Project
Description: Students create a poinsettia out of complementary colors
Author: Francesca
Grade level or Target Age Range: preschool to middle school
Historical Art Examples or References: Images of poinsettias
Vocabulary: poinsettia, complementary colors
Materials: glue, scissors, construction paper, pencils
Anticipatory Set: Discussion on complementary colors
1. Draw poinsettia leaves on green construction paper and petals using red construction paper
2. Cut out the petals and leaves (it may take longer for younger children to do this)
3. Glue the pieces onto black construction paper
Discussion: Life applications; how the lesson might apply to non-art related experiences or other types of knowledge.
- What is a complementary color?
- What are the complementary colors?
- What is a poinsettia?