Fishtown Summer Art Show

This summer at Fishtown proved to be a lot of fun! With almost 40 participants, we were able to make incredible paintings and crafts this session. 

One of our projects included Van Gough inspired landscapes. Our instructors encouraged our students to imagine their own landscape; whether it be their neighborhood, their favorite story book, or even their favorite city, and create a fantastic sensory image behind it. Some of our students made sunsets, others made snow, and some even produced fantastical ideas with monsters and apocalyptic scenery.

We had a unique experience with this group here. Unfortunately, we did not have as many participants as planned the last day, but, with the students that were available, we had a bit of critique and art discussion to go along with our viewing.

Our students were encouraged to pick artwork that wasn’t their own, and to share with the rest of the group why they enjoyed it.
They were also prompted to think about why it is important to make art, and why we all enjoy doing it so much.

We certainly had a strong group of makers at Fishtown! Hopefully, we’ll see more of these curious creators next summer.