Make a father’s day card that looks like a shirt and tie, with coupons written on paper ties inside to show your dad how much you appreciate him on Father’s Day!

This project is one of the virtual literacy through art classes hosted on Facebook Live from 1:30-2pm every Wednesday and Friday. Materials and instructions are posted here afterwards. Tune into the live classes to ask questions, give suggestions, and interact with other students who are stuck at home!
If you want to watch the recording of the live video, check out our Facebook page or Youtube channel!
- Father’s day card handout
- Index cards or paper
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Something to draw and write with
- Print out the father’s day card handout. Cut out the template along the black lines. Make sure you cut the two black lines that go about an inch into the side of the paper and do not cut past where the black lines end.
- Fold vertically along the dotted middle line and crease.
- The paper should open and close like a card. The tab on top should be sticking out about an inch. On this tab fold along the two slanted lines. It should resemble a shirt collar.
- Out of colorful or patterned paper, cut out a tie that you can glue on the front of the card. You can also take blank or construction paper and draw your own patterns/decorations.
- Draw buttons on the collar of the shirt, and the front of your card is done!
- On the inside of your card, write something nice for your dad.
- Cut out more ties. It is suggested that you draw and cut out one tie, and use that to trace other ties on different pieces of colored paper. The more colors the better! Do not make them too big because they are meant to fit in your card. You are going to write your coupons on these tie cutouts, so make as many ties as you want coupons.
- Once your ties are cut out, figure out what coupons you want to make! What is something you can do for, or with, your dad? What’s something he loves doing? It can be doing a chore of his choice, no whining, make dinner together, help with yard work, or anything else you come up with. After all, you know your dad best!
- Put your completed coupons inside your card, put it in an envelope, and give it to your dad on Father’s day! He can redeem his coupons whenever he likes. Ask him which coupon is his favorite!