Exploring and Analyzing Comics

Comics by Riya Rao
Travel Kit: 

A selection of comic pages from diverse works (Maus by Art Spiegelman, Pashmina by Nidhi Chanani, Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson, Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson), copies of selected pages (1 per student or pair), tape (for gallery walk), optional: digital tools for students who prefer working digitally.  

Your Destination: Analyze panel layouts, art styles, and narrative techniques from a variety of comics and graphic novels. Pay attention to the stylistic differences of each artist and note what stands out to you.  

On the Path: 

Step 1: In this lesson, we’ll be exploring diverse storytelling styles and experimenting with new ways to create comics. Components like panel layout, art style, and narrative technique reflect the creator’s unique voice and cultural perspective. In Japan, comics are read right to left instead of left to right. Some artists use variable panel sizes to place emphasis on different scenes or moments in their story.  

Step 2: Walk around the classroom to examine curated comic pages. Choose a page that intrigues them or feels completely different from their own style. 

Step 3: Analyze the page you chose. What do you notice about the panel layout and structure? How does the art style contribute to the mood or story? What narrative techniques stand out? Share your insights in small groups to discuss the variety of styles and storytelling methods. 

Step 4: In the next session, you will re-create the panel layout of their chosen page, telling an original story in your style. 

Group Tour:  

Extend Your Journey: 

Learn New Vocabulary: panel layout, narrative techniques, visual symbolism, perspective 

Resources and Visual Aids: 

Maus Fulltext 

Pashmina Fulltext 

Persepolis Fulltext 

Calvin and Hobbes Library 

Ms. Marvel