Bogus Body Parts

Description: Group-made drawing of a creature composed of insect or animal body parts individually drawn, similar to the games, Telephone, Pictionary, or whisper-down-the-lane.  Objective:Students get to experiment with a variety of materials and begin to share creativity while getting to know each other. Author: Kristin, edit by Blair Grade level …

Bird’s Nests

Description: Students create bird’s nests out of recycled and nontraditional materials. A great way to talk about courage. Baby birds need courage to fly for the first. Project Ideas:courage, nontraditional materials, naturalistic Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: spring, insects, birds, nests Materials: For bird’s nest: …

Ribbit Ribbit: The Pre-school Minnows Create Origami Frogs!

Project Title: Origami Frogs Description: Teach students about frogs and their habitats. Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: frogs, origami. Materials: Large construction paper (white), regular construction paper (green, pink, yellow), crayons, scissors, paper flies, and frog sound videos. Anticipatory set: Fun facts about frogs! We started by discussing the life …

Learn How to Paint With Stencils

Stencil Painting Directions (Materials: stencils, rags, brushes, tape, acrylic paint) Choose a theme for stencil mural project. (theme for Fishtown – “Aquatic Life”) Choose specific location and decide how stencils will fit space. (We have small stencils designed specifically for painting over benches and bigger ones for walls) Brainstorm ideas, pick stencils and …

Learn How to Sculpt With Clay

Auguste Rodin, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons Level: Middle School Duration: Six 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: Artist Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) and France Goals and Objectives: To introduce sculpting techniques. Vocabulary: positive and negative space, carving additive and subtractive methods, proportion, scale Materials: clay, wire, wood, nails, armature, carving tools, wire …

Lesson Plan on Printmaking Techniques

Käthe Kollwitz, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Utagawa Hiroshige, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Level: Middle School Duration: Six 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: Kathe Kollowitz and German Expressionism, and the history of Japanese wood block printing Goals and Objectives: To introduce printmaking techniques. Vocabulary: positive and negative space, relief …

Lesson Plan on How to Paint With Oil Pastels

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons Level: Middle School Duration: Two 45-minute class periods Historical Overview: Goals and Objectives: To introduce figurative drawing styles by various artists and oils pastel techniques. Vocabulary: Oil pastels washes Materials: Oil pastels, paper towel, water soluble oil pastels, payons (water soluble crayons), water …