Chain Reaction Mystery: Part 1 There are two kinds of energy: potential and kinetic. Potential energy is energy that is stored and can be motivated to use, such as a car on a hill. Kinetic energy is energy that is already in motion, such as a basketball being thrown. In this experiment, students will …

Guide to New Models for Professional Learning is an upcoming website that allows engaged and innovative educators to share ideas and observations with other educators just like them around the world. “Social networks can be used to provide educators with career-long personal learning tools and resources that make professional learning timely and relevant as well …

Sensory Processing and Self Regulations for Kids

Self-regulation is defined as “a person’s ability to adjust and control their energy level, emotions, behaviors and attention. ” This is a skill that takes time to develop during the toddler years. It is important that children have some self-regulating skills and continue developing them as they begin school. We have …


In 1683, Thomas Holme mapped out the streets of Philadelphia in a grid with streets running East to West perfectly. Because of this, the sun rises every morning and East, West, North, and South can be clearly differentiated on the grid that makes up Philadelphia. The name of the Philly …