Connecting Art and Literacy: Bugs and Books Project

Duration: 1 hour Level: K-3rd grade Materials: Pencils, erasers, and crayons Procedures: We started the books by folding and cutting them because we had limited time and wanted to offer most of it to encouraging our students’ creativity. We did the same for the bookmarks, cutting them so that our …

Bird Puppets and ESL Practice

Level: K-8 ESL students Duration: 1-1.5 hour(s) Educational overview: Birds’ migration patterns, speaking techniques, and ESL practice. Goals and Objectives: To express creativity and diversity, learn about birds’ migration patterns, practice speaking techniques and ESL, and celebrate the diversity in our classroom. This project was tailored to a group of …

Nature Quotes

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” -William Shakespeare  “The Earth laughs in flowers.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson “Take care of the Earth and she will take care of you.” -Unknown “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” -Chinese …

Welcome New Students!

Thank you to all the wonderful new students joining us! With every new class, we meet get to experience our students’ diverse backgrounds. We strive to make everyone feel welcome and safe so they can truly put themselves in their art. To accomplish this goal, we assembled some welcoming phrases …